Publishing House “Real Economy”
LLC “Publishing House “Real Economy” was founded in 2010 as the editorial office of the scientific and practical journal “Effective Anti-Crisis Management” (since 2018, the scientific journal “Strategic Decisions and Risk Management”).
Since 2020 – founder of the journal Risk Management. Practice”.
Publisher of annual collections of international conferences “Management Sciences in the Modern World” and Technology & Entrepreneurship in Digital Society Conference (TEDS).
Prepares and publishes other collections of conference proceedings and economic monographs.
Member of the Association of Science Editors and Publishers (ANRI)
Our journals
Strategic Decisions and Risk Management

“Strategic Decisions and Risk Management” is an international peer-reviewed journal in the field of economics, business and management, published since 2010.
The journal is a platform for scientists, experts, public administration specialists, entrepreneurs and business workers to discuss various aspects of digital transformation, the impact from the introduction of digital technologies on the economic, managerial and social aspects of the state and companies’ activities, as well as the risks associated with digital transformation.
Published in cooperation with the Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Professional Education “Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation”.
It is included in the List of peer-reviewed journals of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the publication of the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of doctor and candidate of sciences.
Publication frequency – 4 issues per year.
Business Strategies

Online edition “Business strategies” – electronic scientific and economic journal.
Published since 2013.
The main topics of the journal are strategic management, search for competitive advantages; innovation management and entrepreneurship; performance and effectiveness management; human capital; power and control in the company; strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions; dynamics of socio-economic systems; management of the company information resources; global business, management in a multicultural environment; planning and forecasting.
Aims and objectives – the most important tasks of the journal are: generalization of scientific and practical achievements in the field of strategic management of enterprises, improvement of scientific and practical qualifications of managers and businessmen.
The scientific concept of the publication involves the publication of modern achievements in strategic management, the results of scientific research on this topic.
Both domestic and foreign scientists and experts are invited to publish their research results in the journal.
The journal publishes original articles, the results of fundamental research aimed at studying the strategic analysis of entrepreneurial activity; study of business strategies; case studies, lectures and literature reviews on a wide range of economic issues, as well as the results of experimental studies. The editors of the journal pay great attention to the issues of personnel training in the specialty “Management”.
The publication of all materials is free of charge after proof reading and review. The quality of articles is assessed through double-blind peer review.
P – 12 issues per year.
Risk Management. Practice

“Risk management. Practice” is a business publication focused on covering practical cases of large Russian and foreign companies in the field of risk management, as well as analyzing the best practices and technologies how to apply risk management practices, including exclusive interviews and comments from representatives of the professional community, key events review and training issues.
The readership: risk managers of large and medium-sized enterprises in various sectors of the economy, specialists in state and corporate regulation, representatives of credit institutions, the insurance sector, the financial market, consulting companies, professional associations of risk managers, academic staff of universities and research centers.
Publication frequency – 4 issues per year
The collection of conference proceedings “Management sciences in the modern world”

For 10 years, the conference has been an important platform for discussing a wide variety of research areas in the context of management sciences.
The purpose of the event: to provide a platform for scientific discussions and ensure interaction between researchers, analysts and representatives of the business community on topical issues of management science. Following the results of each conference, a collection of RSCI scientific papers is published.
The collection of conference proceedings Technology & Entrepreneurship in Digital Society Conference (TEDS)
Technology & Entrepreneurship in Digital Society Conference (TEDS) is an opportunity to bring together researchers and experts in the field of new technologies from both the public and private sectors to discuss issues related to the development, implementation, use and management of new technologies and the transition to a digital economy.
The language of the conference is English.
Following the results of each conference, a collection of RSCI scientific papers is published.
LLC “Real Economy” Publishing House has all the opportunities to provide services, including: layout preparation, scientific editing, proofreading, ISBN provision, prepress, printing, DOI registration, sending mandatory electronic copies, including publications in the RSCI, distribution of printed books and scientific journals and their electronic versions.
All services can be performed both partially and in complex.
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